Preparing for a flood and what to do in an event
As Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) we are a local public authority that manages water levels. IDBs are part of managing flood risk and land drainage within areas of special drainage need within England and Wales. IDBs undertake work to reduce flood risk to people and property and manage water levels for local needs, with much of the day-to-day work maintaining rivers, drainage channels, outfalls and pumping stations, which are part of out District. – IDBs and Introduction publication.
Not all watercourses are the responsibility of an IDB, and FAQs are provided below, along with an interactive map on the homepage to help signpost our community to the best organisation to help them if needed, to help you speak to the right organisation at the right time.
Did you know – During an adverse event, our small teams our working to ensure that the ordinary watercourses, which are within our District, and maintained by the Board, keep flowing to assist with evacuating the water away, ultimately to sea.
To help the water keep moving through our watercourses our teams work long hours to ensure that our watercourses are clear, that the weed screens aren’t blocked, that our assets are working and monitored. Our teams do everything they can, to keep the water flowing.
There are times that Water Management Authorities can’t evacuate the water fast enough – e.g. a main riverbank breaches and all the water from the main river inundates our systems, or when there is so much precipitation in such as short amount of time all watercourses, the ground and land in the area, as well as the highways and the gullies are inundated and can’t cope with the amount of water.
Some FAQs are provided to aid you in preparing for a changing climate, and what that could bring. We encourage people to investigate self-protection as climate change has the potential to affect seasons for years to come. Please find some links to partner agencies who have excellent flood resilience advice:
Lincolnshire Local Resilience Forum – emergency contacts
Lincolnshire Resilience Form – preparing for a flood
Lead Local Flood Authority (LCC) Report a Flood
Lead Local Flood Authority (LCC) Property flood resilience grant webpage information
Lead Local Flood Authority (LCC) Riparian Ownership watercourse map