Witham & Humber Drainage Boards are a group of 4 independent statutory Land Drainage, Water Levels and Flood Risk Management Authorities working collectively under a partnership agreement.
The 4 Witham and Humber Drainage Boards have worked collectively under a joint services partnership agreement since 01st April 2017, when North East Lindsey joined the Group. Prior to then, Witham First DIDB and Witham Third DIDB worked in a similar voluntary partnership for many years, with Upper Witham IDB joining that partnership arrangement in April 2009. The 4 Boards share a range of services including a joint Chief Executive, Financial Services, Ratings Officers, Engineering & Technical Services, planning, consents, enforcement work, environment & GIS support, some Operations Services and administrative and office support functions. Some Operational services, including direct workforces and/or Contractor services, are excluded from the joint services shared arrangement and continue to be organised, managed and provided on an individual IDB basis.
Our Team of Officers and Support Staff are based at Witham House, Meadow Lane, North Hykeham, Lincoln LN6 9GJ.
You can view the profiles of our Senior Management Team here.