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Consent Applications

The Internal Drainage Boards within Lincolnshire, both under their own powers and on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority [LLFA], have a commitment to protect and enhance the environment for the benefit of all residents and visitors to the area.

The Internal Drainage Board delivers this through provision of its own consents and enforcement service within its drainage district and on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council the IDB acts outside its district, in its extended catchment, to provide a consents and enforcements service for the LLFA. The Memorandum of Understanding between IDBs operating in Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire County Council gives effect to this. Any enforcement will be undertaken in consultation with Lincolnshire Legal Services, with the approval of Lincolnshire County Council, in relation to land outside the district and inside the extended area for an IDB.

Consent is required from this Board within its District for any works in, over, above, below or adjacent to a watercourse and within an extended area on behalf of the Lead Local Flood Authority for works in the watercourse

1. Upon the receipt of the application, and all necessary details, the Board will reply to the application within a period of two months.

2. Consent is NOT normally required for normal “maintenance” works but please contact the Board if uncertain.

3. It is advisable, if there is any doubt, to telephone the office on 01522 697123 or submit an email to consents@witham3idb.gov.uk prior to making a formal application to ascertain whether consent will be given, with or without amendment. 

Step 1 of 3
(On behalf of Lincolnshire County Council, Lead Local Flood Authority, under Section 13, Flood & Water Management Act 2010)

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