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Meet the Witham and Humber Team

Witham & Humber Drainage Boards are a group of 4 independent statutory Land Drainage, Water Levels and Flood Risk Management Authorities working collectively under a partnership agreement.

The 4 Witham and Humber Drainage Boards have worked collectively under a joint services partnership agreement since 01st April 2017, when North East Lindsey joined the Group. Prior to then, Witham First DIDB and Witham Third DIDB worked in a similar voluntary partnership for many years, with Upper Witham IDB joining that partnership arrangement in April 2009. The 4 Boards share a range of services including a joint Chief Executive, Financial Services, Ratings Officers, Engineering & Technical Services, planning, consents, enforcement work, environment & GIS support, some Operations Services and administrative and office support functions. Some Operational services, including direct workforces and/or Contractor services, are excluded from the joint services shared arrangement and continue to be organised, managed and provided on an individual IDB basis.

Our Team of Officers and Support Staff are based at Witham House, Meadow Lane, North Hykeham, Lincoln LN6 9GJ. 

You can view the profiles of our Senior Management Team here.

Length of time in post: 13 years

Joined the IDBs in December 2011 from a background in public sector management. Forty years within public services, after a first degree, training scheme, operational management experience and a master’s degree in social policy and public administration at Nottingham University. Previous roles include Chief Executive for East Lincolnshire NHS PCT, Chief Executive for Grantham & District Hospital NHS Trust, Director of Community Services in Leicestershire, General Manager for Community Services and New Forest Hospitals in Southampton Community Health Services NHS Trust, Strategic Director for Northamptonshire Health Authority, Strategic Director for East Lindsey District Council and Assistant Unit General Manager for Mansfield Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.

Length of time in post: 5 years (+6 years in interim role)

Joined the IDBs in November 2019 after undertaking an interim role for the previous 6 years with the Boards through his consultancy business which provided support and advice to a range of public bodies mainly across Lincolnshire. Prior to setting up the business in 2010, had various finance related roles at East Lindsey District Council over 21 years culminating in being Director of Finance (S151 Officer). Has been a member of Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) since 1996 and serves on Association of Drainage Authorities (ADA) Policy Committee and is a member of Lincolnshire County Council Pensions Committee representing smaller bodies.

Length of time in post: 15 years

Before joining the Board in June 2009 Martin had previously worked for the Middle Level Commissioners, North Norfolk District Council, the National Rivers Authority and the Environment Agency. His current role includes the management of the team that covers all technical aspects of the 4 Boards’ work, including capital improvement schemes, major refurbishment of the Boards’ assets, planning and development within the drainage districts and consenting and enforcement. Martin has been a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers since 1996.

Length of time in post: 17 years

I joined the 4 Witham & Humber Drainage Boards in January 2008 when appointed as Witham Third District IDB’s Foreman, from a previous role in neighbouring Witham Fourth District IDB and with a background in Agricultural Engineering, Fabrication/Welding, and working in the Haulage industry. I moved to the role of Works Supervisor for Witham Third and Upper Witham IDBs before becoming Operations Manager for Witham Third, Upper Witham, North East Lindsey and Witham First IDBs. Appointed as Director of Operations in 2020.

In my current role I assess, plan, organise and deliver the 4 Boards required Operational services in each of the 4 drainage districts. This encompasses the annual maintenance programmes for 1000km of Watercourses, programmes of winter tree/bushing works and targeted desilting on the Boards’ scheduled and maintained watercourses and the operational planned preventive maintenance and daily operation of our 53 Pumping Stations on 48 sites. Supported by the 2 Supervisors and 4 Foremen and together with the Land Drainage Operatives and NELDB’s Contractor Eric Carnaby & Son Ltd, the Operations team delivers planned maintenance, asset performance and improvement, Machinery replacement programmes as approved by the Boards and Operational staffing and resource requirements for our day-to-day business needs. Whilst IDBs are not Cat 1 or 2 responders, in times of heavy rainfall and flood events we provide the front-line service to keep the Boards’ assets performing, sometimes 24/7. Working with professional partners like the Environment Agency, the Lead Local Flood Authorities in Lincolnshire and Greater Lincolnshire and relevant District Councils, we deliver minor improvement schemes to land drainage and flood protection. Through Public Sector Cooperation agreements, the 4 Boards undertake works on main rivers to the Environment Agency’s specification, as commissioned annually. I Work closely with the CEO and other IDB Directors to promote, plan and deliver Capital Works and Schemes within agreed timescales and budgets. I am the Senior Management Team’s lead for Health & Safety and one of our Mental Health First Aiders in the workplace.

I studied for City & Guilds in Agricultural Engineering at Caythorpe Agricultural College, hold a NEBOSH GC in Health and Safety [a member of Iosh] and City & Guilds in work based Environmental Conservation of Rivers, Coasts and Waterways.

Length of time in post: X years

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